Bob Cassidy Fundamentals Pdf To Word

[K970.Ebook] Free PDF The Artful Mentalism of Bob Cassidy Vol. 2 From H&R Magic Books Subject [K970.Ebook] Free PDF The Artful Mentalism of Bob Cassidy Vol. 2 From H&R Magic Books PDF Keywords: Read Online and Download PDF Ebook The Artful Mentalism Of Bob Cassidy Vol. 2 From H&R Magic Books. Bob Cassidy Fundamentals Pdf Writer. 0 Comments The Word of God (awesome King James Bible only sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles) '.for thou hast magnified thy word.


Bob Cassidy Fundamentals Pdf To Word Free

Bairn Book Contents Snotty Nosed! The story of a girl in a nightclub who’s limited skills of doodling are duplicated using just a few business cards under test conditions.!
Nookey! At risk of being deported by US Immigration you whip out a mentalism card trick that is so shocking, they’re afraid to not let you in to the country.!
Attraction! To impress a young lady (and find out if she’s really a lady at all), you take her back to your place and show her a card trick that uses an envelope. Next you cook eggs for breakfast.!
Errrm…I Can’t Remember! Have a stranger genuinely not be able to remember what you just showed was printed on a card. This is a totally different approach to getting people to forget, which results in them wracking their brains and admitting they cannot recall the information.!
Tell The Truth, Kidda.! When someone lies to your face, rather than getting angry you show them this impressive card mentalism demonstration that shows you’re impossible to lie to.!
Sucking a Softy! While your guy friends struggle to win the attention of some nearby girls, you whip out some straws and make a prediction of exactly which drink those ladies would like to drink.!
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Dinosaur Subtlety! As a master influencer of all other humans, this book test subtlety will show the audience that you’re not just doing tricks, but you really understand human behaviour on a frightening level.!
Focused Opener! As well as a treatise on openers and why I have found problems in the traditional approach, my approach using a ball of paper and a pad that is both subtle and direct.!
Mr Golden Balls! Bag, balls and laughs. My presentation for Kurutsuke, as well as my surprise kicker finale that takes everyone unawares and gives a solid ending to this routine. I almost sold this separately, but that was more work so its in Bairn.!
Bookend! The full structure to a show including my opener, middle and closer for my parloursize shows. You’ll take advantage of time, structure and opportunities to create a new level of mental miracle.!
Sensible Influence! Sniff this…what is it? It’s a glass of water, but 4 spectators will each tell you it’s something very different.!
Headlines In Black and White! You predicted today’s headlines weeks ago, not only in an envelope the usual way but in an ad you placed in the same newspaper all those weeks ago, you scamp!!
And The Star Says! Reveal an individual’s star sign without them being able to back-track a progressive anagram.!
Bairn - Ken Dyne!
Who’$ Got £he Mon€y?! One of two people is holding your cash. Using real psychology you work out who one it is in my very unique take on the ‘Money’ effect. Plus a kicker ending that is not only justified but totally unexpected.!
Predictagram (AKA E1)! The closing effect of many full time mentalists right now. Audience members write down words. One volunteer takes a look at 6 of their words and freely decides on one word - yet it is the only word predicted inside of the large envelope you have on stage. Possibly one of my best creations to date.!
Called Out Thoughts! The card named by three spectators is the card you’re holding on stage. !
Mind Turn! Sitting opposite each other, both you and the volunteer reverse a card in your deck. You exchange decks only to discover you’ve both reversed the same card. Book the church, it’s fate!!
The One Short Way To Play Fair! My go-to card effect every time. You name a card, they name a number and when they deal down to that number they find the card you named. They flip out and call you the devil. Usual story.!
Reason To Write! Why are you writing the name of that celebrity on to that pre-folded businesses card, sir? You better have a good reason! Well, here’s one I use and am pretty happy with.!
The Distant Bet! From all the way over there, on the other side of the room you find a borrowed pound coin which has been hidden in one of three matchboxes. Of course if you get it wrong, the steaks are much greater!!
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Fussy Eater! A routine about a packed lunch where the audience works out which drink and sandwich you’d have in your lunch bag. Plus a snazzy rational for limiting choices.!
Newspaper! A word is selected from a newspaper and you predicted it! My approach to the newspaper test which make it much more reliable and less terrifying to perform.!
Afraid Of Dogs! A fifty-fifty chance routine that runs throughout my show, and ends with a surprise. I like surprises.!
Accidental Magic Square! Finally an ending for the magic square that doesn’t diminish the original routine…and actually gives an ending to the magic square.!
Order and Agender! A chair test with no gimmicks, pure bluff but many revelations.!
As You Do Book! Need to know the first letter of someone’s thought-of word to decipher it? Users of those types of book tests might like this approach.!
Breaking News! My method for the headline prediction that I use in combination with Headlines In Black and White, the way I performed it on UK radio.!
Tossed Out Death! A cheery routine. Actually not a routine at all. These are my justifications and scripting for getting people to do what we need them to do in Tossed Out Deck routines.!
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Bairn - Ken Dyne!
Seance From The Past! One of, if not the first thing I ever invented. During a seance the Planchet is drawn toward several letter cards, on turning them over they spell the name of one of your guests. They have a heart attack, die and continue to communicate with you through the Ouija.!
Knowledge! A principal about learning more in each routine and how we can use that information.!
Thoughts And Subtleties On Add A Number! When you perform add a number, audience members can get smart to the method, so since I’ve probably included a variation of Add A Number in every show I’ve ever performed, here army thoughts, discoveries and ramblings to help us stay safe. It’s like a rubber for your add a number.!
Slapper! Is it possible to use a short fishing sequence for a number of cards who’s identities you don’t even know? I call this Slapper because I use her a lot.!
Starting Strong! My approach on structure that goes completely against the grain.!
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Add Ahead! If you’re a lover of the one-ahead principal and want a new approach to make it more subtle and unfathomable, this might help you out.!
Step Up! A demonstration of affinity. People draw pictures and even though they cannot see which picture you hold, the artist of each picture senses it is his and steps up to claim it.!
Magazine Test Of The Stars! In a fit of panic, when everything was going wrong during my planned magazine test in my show Peer 6, I came up with this impromptu method on the fly, and then have used it ever since.! Stacked, Borrowed, Remembered! How to perform stacked deck effects with a borrowed deck. Another useful thing I came up with while panicking. I’m good at panicking, I should do it more often.!
An Act V.S A String Of Tricks! Read as I try and work out what the difference is.!
Crowd Control! Can you predict the actions of the entire audience? Yes…yes you can.!
The Lady Who Almost Made Me Faint, Who Then Bought Me A Drink! A story I have to tell you, you won’t believe it, and I still cannot.!
The Final Two! The last two items of an equivoke can cause problems for some. Here is a solution.!
Nutcase (And The “Yes But No Principal Of Doom”)! Randomly named objects are found to be inside of a padlocked briefcase. !
Theo and Cassidy Walk In To A Bar In Ostin! A jaunt in to Bob Cassidy’s Name/Place routine with a twisted ending that Cassidy insisted I should share.!
The Verbal Himber Wallet! How to use the sound of your voice as a Himber wallet.!
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Bairn - Ken Dyne!