Software Included in BMW Tools Package:
Id appreciate help from anyone who has INPA/NCS/Tool 32. My only known fault is an airbag light After weeks of experimentation I finally managed to get INPA partly working, on a Windows 8.1 laptop, with INPA 5.0.4 installed alongside the full package of BST.
- INPA 5.06 (Script files in English)
- EDIABAS 7.3.0
- NCS Expert 4.0.1 (Menus and Buttons in English)
- NCS Dummy 0.6.04
- Tool32 4.03
- WinKFP 5.3.1
- BMW Coding Tool v2.5.0 (alternative to NCS Dummy or for updating DATEN files)
- Integrated SP-DATEN v53.3 (light version, all you need for coding and diagnostics)
Required Hardware:K+D-CAN 'INPA' OBD2 Interface Cable with FTDI FT232RL or FT232RQ Chip
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Inpa 5 0 2 Ncs Expert Airbags
- BMW Tools Package Digital Software Download (with the software mentioned above)
- USB Drivers for Windows XP 7 8 10 32/64 bit
- Our Installation Guide (Included with software)
Inpa 5.0.2
Bmw Ncs Expert
I'm setting up my laptop to run INPA, EDIABAS, NCS Expert, <strike>& WINKFP</strike>. It's a multi step process, so I'm going to update as I go.
This information is probably out there somewhere, but I couldn't find anything specifically for the E46 - most of the info I found was for the E39 or the E90.
Base system setup:
Windows XP 32bit - 64bit might not work with some of the tools
This cable ( (you will need to know how to solder)
I'm running Windows XP 32bit on a Dell N5040 (well, technically on Virtualbox, but that's not important here) with 1gb ram, a 10gb harddrive and a 2.5gh i3 processor. Really, pretty much any computer that is halfway modern and has a USB port should work. I'm not 100% sure because I didn't test it, but supposedly some of the tools do not work on 64bit windows and/or some of the new versions of windows, so if you have a choice, run 32bit Windows XP.
The full install for me was less than 2 gb (I didn't really check the before/after size, but it seems like all the files are only about 1gb). The instructions I saw said 40 gb, but I'm guessing that was a typo.
Various coding software and what it does:
This DIY will cover:
Ediabas - database server application with all needed car information for various apps.
INPA - reading status of your car, reading and deleting error-memory
NCS Expert - carcoding, changing VehicleOrder/FahrAuftrag (VO/FA)
NCSDummy - extracing information out of NCSExpert files to understand more easily
And I will NOT cover:
DIS/GT1 - everything the above tools do, but this one is a GUI - PITA to install with no real benefit
Progman - coding and programming your car, GUI based - PITA to install as well, and pretty much does the same stuff as above. Again, no real benefit to outweigh PITA install
data2txt / data2tbl - tools to convert hex NETTODAT files to readable text versions
WinKfP - flashing / updating your ECU/SG
Tool32 - special ECU/SG *.prg tool
DIS/GT1 & Progman take up a *LOT* of space, are a pain to install, and don't really add much benefit. They *do* make the programs easier to use, but with a little time and patience, you can do everything you need to do without going through the massive pain of installing them.
WinKfp and Tool32 are easy enough to install (<strike>if you follow the directions below, you will actually install them while installing the other software</strike> You can install them when you install EDIABAS, etc below - see the struck out sections), I just won't be going over how to use them.
1st - Make (or buy) a K-line ODBII to USB Cable
Order this cable ( from Amazon - ($7) - <strike>Will probably take 2-3 weeks for delivery from China.</strike> Just got an email from Amazon and they said the cable should be here within 5 days (not 2-3 weeks).
Solder some pins together from this page ( I'll post some photos when mine comes in and I hack mine up.
K-line *should* work for all E46, but from 2007 till present BMW has been using CAN. If you want to work on multiple models, you may need to find/make multiple cables.
2nd - Install INPA, EDIABAS, NCS Expert, <strike>WINKFP</strike>
Download this file ( (346MB)
Extract archive to desktop
Go to /referenz/INSTALL/ and click on Instprog.exe
Select language and click through options till you get to 'configuration' page
Select 'BMW Group Recertification Programs USA'
Click the 'complete' checkboxes for EDIABAS, INAP, NCS Expert, <strike>and NSF WINKFP</strike> and hit continue
Select ODB for interface
Click continue until you get through to the end. You will probably get an error about PATH
Click START, then right-click 'my computer', properties, advanced, Environmental Variables
Under 'system variables', double click path
Scroll all the way to the end and ADD (do NOT replace anything) ' ;C:EDIABASBIN ' without quotes to the end. Make sure on only add exactly ' ;C:EDIABASBIN ' (without quotes) to the end without changing anything else or you can break your windows.
Go to C:EDIABASHardwareOBD and run OBDSetup.exe
reboot computer
At this point, you are pretty much done software wise and can start coding your car (if you have the appropriate cable).
3rd - Install NCS Dummy Optional
NCS Dummy takes the 'expert' out of NCS Expert. It doesn't really do anything on it's own, but it basically takes the info from NCS Expert and turns it into a human readable format. It's optional, but you might as well install it because it will make your life easier. (If you are really good with computers and can read German fluently, you can probably get by without this).
Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 ( (I couldn't get that link to work, I had to go to to install it).
Download NCS Dummy (
Extract to your desktop
NCS Dummy is a 'stand alone' app so it doesn't need to be installed, per se. Just open the folder and click on the app to run it.
Look here for more info on how to use NCS Dummy:
4th - Testing setup
Coming soon.. (Waiting for my cable to come in from China)
Various sources: