Software Data Penduduk Jawa

Software data penduduk jawaharlal nehru

Jumlah Penduduk Indonesia menurut Provinsi. Jumlah Penduduk Indonesia yang sebanyak 258.704.900 jiwa ini tersebar di 34 Provinsi di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik ini, Provinsi yang memiliki jumlah penduduk terbanyak adalah provinsi Jawa Barat.

Data ini diambil dari situs Pemutakhiran MFD dan MBSBadan Pusat Statistik ( pada 11 Januari 2018.

The data were taken from Central Agency on Statistics (BPS) - MFD and MBS Update ( on 11th January 2018.

The data were curl-ed from BPS site:

with a, i, u, e and o as the keywords.



Software Data Penduduk Jawaharlal

The data was provided as-it-is and looks like there are two anomalies:

There was entries that not in ASCII format.

Software Data Penduduk Jawa Tengah

There are duplicate village id.

The above statistics was generated by MySQL version and uses INSERT IGNORE statements.This will skip the duplicate items.

Generate new data

In order to generate new data:

We use mysql as default database hostname and root as default database username, but if you have different database setup on your local machine, you can simply run it with argument:

You can also run docker-compose (more preferred):


  • The scripts are license under: MIT.
  • The data (CSV and SQL) are under: ODBL v1.0.
  • The source data is attributed to Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Indonesia.
JawaJumlah penduduk indonesia 2018


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