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Fellow sedders,
Push/Pull is one of the most effective techniques to amplify attraction and to reverse roles; instead of having us chasing women we can emotionally and physically make them to chase us.
A good primary on what the Push/Pull technique is can be found on this post and an excellent FR that demonstrates this technique can be seen here. An amazing video that talks between others about pushing/pulling can be found here. A technique called two-dimensional push/pull was suggested by u/G12c4.
The aim of this post is to gather as many Push/Pull examples and techniques in to a single place. I will start with some that i collected all around the internetz and i will update the list with information from the post comments.
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Physical Push/Pull
Hug her and then say 'Ok, that's enough' physically pushing her a little bit
Grab her and pull her into you... stare into her eyes... then scoff as if she said something lame and let her go, shaking your head and looking away. She'll ask, 'What?' or laugh, and you'll just throw a skeptical look on your face and shake your head some more. 'Anyway...' you'll say, continuing on with your conversation.
Why's this work? The sensation of being pulled into you is powerful - she doesn't know what you're going to do. Are you going to kiss her? Touch her? Just tease her like this? Then you act as if she did something silly and let her go... but she doesn't know why. Is it a game? Are you flirting? Did she do something wrong? Is there something wrong with her face or breath or hair?
When you hit the high point in the conversation (the girl is laughing, initiates kino etc), half turn from her, get your phone out and start reading something. Then turn back, smile and re-initiate conversation.
The thing with takeaways is you want her to get the feeling of loss, not necessarily anxiety like she would if you stated your boundaries, but more that she has to chase you, then the reward which was a smile and reinitiating conversation is essential to make her feel like she’s got your attention back. Even after doing just a small takeaway can make a big shift from you chasing her, to her chasing you. Thing about takeaways too is they can be used as pings, you can tell how much a girl is into you by how much she is willing to chase.
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Emotional Push/Pull
You have the best smile I've seen tonight........(Begin counting in fingers) No wait, actually the third best
Get away from me, I can't have you around. You're way too cute and tempting
You know, I bet we'd make a really good couple. Nah, scratch that, I bet we'd fight all the time
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This last example highlights one of the hidden powers of push-pull: push-pull can give you the chance to paint pictures in a woman's head that set the frame for the two of you being together. e.g., in the example just above, you paint the picture of the two of you in a relationship, then paint the picture of the two of you still in a relationship, now fighting (which is also endearing to a girl and makes it feel like she's known you far longer)
We would never get along, we are too similar
You're either the coolest girl that I've ever meet or you're the most crazy one
You are the coolest girl i've met...in the last 5 minutes
If I was into brunettes, I would be all over you.
I would invite you over sometime, but something is creepy about you
Hey, you have beautiful eyes... They are almost as pretty as mine
Say 'I hate you!' while smiling and giving her a sideways hug
Edit: Added more!