Hearts Of Iron 3 Manual

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  2. Hoi3 Manual
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Hearts of Iron IV is an intricate and complicated game, with a huge number of mechanics to wrap your head around. It’s a hard game to learn, but it’s immensely rewarding. All of us are in the same boat, learning together since the game’s recent launch, but here are a few basic tips to help beginners and new players get up to speed. These focus mostly on the interface; also check out our unit tips guide.



Let’s start with a real basic one that isn’t necessarily obvious: some of the national focus screens and research screens can scroll to the right. It’s a little more noticeable for the research screens, but you may have a lot more national focus options than you think. That’s the trouble of such a complicated interface: It’s easy to miss things.

Hearts Of Iron 3 Manual Cz

Hearts OF IRON 3 This Quick Start Guide will help you learn the “basic” concepts of HOI 3 without overwhelming you with the details included in the Manual. Complete mastery of Hearts of Iron III may take many, many hours of play, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t catch on right away. This Manual is designed to provide far more depth to your learn- ing experience than the tutorials.

Diplomacy Basics

A complicated strategy game needs a detailed step-by-step tutorial or at least a manual, but Hearts of Iron II just pushes you into action in hope that short hints intended for experienced players.

Hearts of Iron IV is a war game, of course, but it isn’t all about war. Diplomacy plays a huge role, and there are a bunch of actions you can take even before war breaks out—this is especially relevant if you start in 1936 instead of 1939. You can offer lend-lease programs to your allies even if you’re not involved in the war yet to help keep them afloat. Of course, you’ll need a lot of excess production for this to be viable, but hey, that’s why it’s a United States thing.

But that’s just the beginning. The real fun comes in the intrigue, like meddling in other countries’ politics… and supporting particular political parties. Pushing for particular parties to win can help make Hearts of Iron IV diverge dramatically from world history (communists in Britain? Maybe you can make it happen!), and is definitely worth playing around with.

Civilian Factories

The Hearts of Iron IV tutorial loves to tell you to build civilian factories , even before military factories, but it doesn’t do a great job of explaining what civilian factories actually do. Here’s the lowdown: they increase the number of structures you can build at once (and, to some degree, the speed in which you build them). So they accelerate your overall production rate down the line. They’re an investment, but they’re worth it in the long run. Try building lots of civilian factories at first, then start splashing in military factories when your production has some flexibility.

Battle Plans

This one’s a little obvious… unless you’re messing it up, in which case you’re probably really frustrated. When you're drawing your battle plan, don’t think that’s the path your armies will actually move along. It isn’t. You aren’t drawing the armies’ movement path, but the new front they’re going to advance toward. The arrows, representing your forces’ paths toward those positions, will autopopulate based on the front line you draw. You can even make battle plans with multiple steps: just draw further front lines and your units will push forward after getting to the first ones.

These are just the basics, but Hearts of Iron IV isn’t always as intuitive as we would like. Sometimes starting at the beginning makes sense. Also check out our big slew of tips about preparing your units and armies, and other Hearts of Iron IV tips.

Hearts of Iron offers players an opportunity to recreate or change events World War II, when tenets of fascism, democracy, and communism were put to the test in a conflict that ultimately changed the course of human history. Real-time strategy scenarios range from 1936 through 1948, with players selecting one of eight major powers (United Kingdom, France, Soviet Union, Germany, United States, Poland, Italy, or Japan) or any minor power involved in WWII action. Gameplay involves building, positioning, and monitoring units, divisions, and brigades, engaging in diplomacy, researching technology to enhance weaponry, manipulating economic and military doctrine, and implementing a wide array of battlefield strategies.

Attention to detail is mandatory in the areas of building costs and time, manpower requirements, speed, morale, operating strength, ground and air defense, attack modes (hard or soft), equipment and troop transport, supplies, fuel, attack plans (air, ground, sea), detection capability, and much more. Damage assessment plays an important role in recovering from and planning for feints, assaults, and blitz attacks. Detailed planning involves air attacks, tactical bombardment, naval battles, weather and time of day cycles, leader bonuses, sea and shore encounters, fog of war considerations, isolation consequences, and task management.

In addition to military might, diplomacy encompasses a wide array of choices including influences, alignments, and more than a dozen specific actions ranging from declaring war or staging a coup d'etat to trade agreements and annexation. Variables such as loyalty, internal politics, interaction, and the personalities of cabinet ministers and military leaders (more than 1,000 real-life generals and politicians researched for their unique qualities), dissension, and ideologies are effective in Hearts of Iron.

Other features include a scenario editor, two hours of music in MP3 format, optimized multiplayer action via LAN or Internet (including an option to use Valkyrie.net), and more than 100 ground, air, and sea units fighting on a divisional level. The manual contains an informative time line of events leading up to WWII, from 1919 to 1945, with special emphasis on specific battles, countries, and situations, as well as a detailed appendix referencing units (land, air, naval) and stats.

Ever wondered what would have happened had Hitler's Germany successfully defeated the British? What it would have been like had the United States decided to do something? Or whether the Italians could successfully invade Germany? Well, probably not the latter, but these and many more peculiar possibilities can be realized in World War II themed Hearts of Iron from Paradox, the makers of the successful Europa Universalis I & II strategy games.

Hoi3 Manual

Let's get it straight from the start though: Hearts of Iron is definitely old school. So if you are expecting snazzy graphics and gut wrenching audio, please collect your coat and have your ticket refunded at the door. Also, be warned, this really is for the die-hard strategist out there, not a simple drop in and have a quick play type of game. Those still with me, don your gas masks and buckle your seatbelts, it's time to go to war!

Hearts Of Iron 3

Your first port of call really ought to be the tutorials, as there is a heck of a lot of statistical information and a number of different game screens for you to negotiate cold. However, the tutorials are unforgivably poor, consisting of unfriendly reams of badly formatted text and yellow arrows that are often obscured, apparently showing you what you are currently learning. We quite literally gave up in the end, preferring to risk learning the game by myself instead of trying to make sense of the tutorials. In this day and gaming age a voice-driven tutorial system is not exactly hard to achieve, and would have made initial opinions far more favorable.

You have a choice of three periods of World War II to be dropped into, with accurate conditions for each, and having selected one, you get to choose which country you want to control. The warring nations are split into three distinct factions; the Allies, Axis and the Comintern, and your chosen country will be pigeonholed into whichever is appropriate, or can begin as a neutral. It is then a simple case of battling against the other factions for land occupancy, and whoever has the most points at the end of the scenario period wins. You can choose to play the game as pretty much any country imaginable, though naturally if you select a 'weaker' country (such as Portugal) you are going to find your influence on proceedings a touch more difficult than if you were to go full on as the Germans or the British.

Not helping matters, the interface really is quite cumbersome to use, and nothing seems to have been designed to make things easy for you. The first hour or so is spent simply trying to get your head round the interface. Unit location can be pretty confusing, and specific selection can be a frustrating affair. This is mainly because each province has them all piled on top of each other, and selecting individually involves clicking a tiny rectangular bar below the top unit. You would think that drag selecting would assist you with this, but it merely highlights the topmost unit, and nothing underneath! All the while you are valiantly trying to select a unit, message boxes pop up on the screen, providing you with useful information about so-and-so invading your territory, attacking your naval fleet etc, etc. These boxes just keep on coming though, and when you have to click 'OK' on each and every one of them it starts to make the blood boil. You can reduce the amount of pop-up messages via the horribly thought-out message options screen, but not being able to select all options means you have to go through every single option to disable the associated pop-up. Cheers for that.


When you finally do start warring against another country you will happily sit back and watch your brave soldiers doing battle. Actually no, you will sit there, watching your unit move to the location via a thin status line, after instructing them with an attack plan, watch an uninspired animation of the battle scene and wait for a pop-up box telling you how you did. Not exactly riveting stuff. We're not asking for a full-on FPS-style graphical depiction here, just a little more in the way of separate news flashes coming from the scene along with a bit of audio to spice it up a little. Maybe even have the ability to issue new orders mid-fight, or alter unit aggression... anything! When you consider that the combat is one of the main aspects of the game, that lack of real involvement is a bit surprising. The combat box does give you scope for tactics though with the ability to set certain times for your units to attack, useful if you want to co-ordinate a ground force attack with airborne so they invade in unison.

Hearts of Iron is played in real-time, though it follows a turn-based round system whereby all new game data is updated at noon every day. When you actually study what is going on in the game though, you realize just how impressive the game's data engine is. Every one of your units has a whole load of statistics attached to it, and combat will take all of these factors into consideration. Not only this, but you can govern what diplomatic relations you have with other countries, the supplies your provinces require and a whole plethora of other factors which can have a bearing on the final outcome of the game. Hell, you can even get stuck into the world trade market if you wish. This obscene amount of information is simply not going to be to everybody's tastes, but for an intricate tactician it is paradise.

As mentioned above, graphically the game will win no prizes, limited to a zoomable world map and still shots of various World War II locations. The small amount of animation that exists really is pretty poor, but it does serve the purpose of showing troop movement where a change of color might just as well have done the job. Sound is also minimal, consisting of trudging shoes and engine sounds giving you notice of the unit you have selected. Hardly WarCraft, then. Elsewhere, music is rumbling classical fare, and generally grates after a very short period of time, so for us the music volume slider hit zero before long.

The casual gamer should steer well clear. It just isn't very friendly and not the type of game you can drop into for a quick burn. However, for the more detail-driven strategy fan there is a lot to be commended, and a lot of pleasure to be extracted. You will often find the game AI to be inconsistent, in addition to the rather dull combat representation, but Hearts of Iron offers LAN and internet options for up to eight hardcore strategy buffs, should you want that human touch. Internet play is actually good fun, if a little slow in getting a game going.

On the whole, my recommendation would be to try the game. Hearts of Iron is a tough nut to crack, but statistically minded war buffs would do well to investigate.

Hearts Of Iron 3 Tfh Manual

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