Kulavadhu is a mega serial that is telecasting on colors Kannada from Monday to Saturday at 6:30 pm. It was started on 28th July’2014. PrakashJayaram has produced this serial under the banner of Shri Jai Mahta Comines. The cast of this serial comprises debutants and old-timers. Deepika is a newcomer who has played the role of Dhanya in this serial. Deepika Dasis her real name. Her height is 5 feet 5 inches. She is a Kannada & Telugu actress who made debut through director Samuel Tony’s Doodh Sagar movie and also acted in few Telugu movies like EeManase. But she garnered the desired fame after acting in Kannada serial Naagini (2016) directed by Hayavadhana. Disha has played the role of Vachana.Suraj HolaluYogeshis the real name of who is another serial actor in Kulavadhu.
Kogile Kannada Serial Cast List
Watch Full Length Kannada Movie Kogile O Kogile – ಕೋಗಿಲೆ ಓ ಕೋಗಿಲೆ (2002) Movie Name: Kogile O Kogile – ಕೋಗಿಲೆ ಓ ಕೋಗಿಲೆ (2002) Cast: Balraj, Ramya, Srividhya, Bank Janardhan, Shakthi, Shobha Anand, Roopa, Dingri Nagaraj.
Agnisakshi Kannada Serial Cast
The role of Indira Prasad –Vachana’s father is played by veteran actor Ashok Hegde and the role of Lalitha –Dhanya’s mother who is a house helper in Vachana’s household is played by actress Niharika. Kulavadhu is a family drama which showcases the saga of friendship between two young women; the quiet Dhanya and the flamboyant Vachana. Their friendship has crossed the barriers of family status and money. With Dhanya getting more focus at every place than Vachana, Vachana starts to feel jealous about Dhanya.
Kannada Kogile Singing Show
Their friendship gets clouded with jealousy which ruins their relationship. What happens next in their lives is the rest of the story. ETV Kannada is striking good ratings with Kulavadhu serial. This is a highly successful primetime show with perfect casting and its characters are etched in a relatable and lovable way. The details of the Kulavadhu Kannada cast and crew can be found on the sidebar. Other than an intriguing storyline the Kulavadhu Kannada title song is also very popular with the audience.